Student Support Services

Our Approach

St. Giles School believes strongly in our mission to educate the whole child—intellectually, physically, emotionally and spiritually—and therefore implement a robust program of character development, academic support and social emotional learning. 

Our character development and social emotional learning program is all-encompassing and woven into our school day as well as prioritized through biweekly or weekly whole group instruction. Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) drives our discipline system and our SEL program is taught in accordance with the CASEL Framework. 

Our academic program uses a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) and incorporates culturally responsive teaching practices. Students have access to speech and language services as well as counseling. We strive to ensure all students feel supported and can access the curriculum effectively.

Our Team

Led by our Director, Counseling and Student Interventions, our MTSS/Resource Team provides ongoing academic and social emotional support to our students and includes:

  • Pam Wynne: Director, Counseling and Student Interventions
  • Kathy Lucas: veteran educator and math resource specialist
  • 2 reading specialists
  • 3 LSB1 teachers
  • Speech Pathologists from D97
  • Title I resource teacher
  • 2 Loyola University psychology graduate students 

To learn more about our MTSS Team and its approach, to explore curricular resources, and to stay up-to-date with current initiatives, please visit Mrs. Wynne’s Teacher Page